In February 2016, a Missouri jury awarded $72 million in damages to the family of Jamie Fox, an ovarian cancer patient who died in October 2015, allegedly due to extensive use of the talcum powder produced by Johnson and Johnson. Talcum or talc is a naturally occurring mineral, containing magnesium, hydrogen and silicon and is widely used in cosmetic and personal care products such as talcum powder. As it is mined from soil, talc has often been found to be located near asbestos deposits. This has been a concern in the past for mining and processing companies as asbestos fibers can cause serious respiratory problems such as lung cancer. Although Johnson and Johnson (J&J) has declared its products free of asbestos, more than 1200 cases have been filed against them, claiming that their talcum powder has been the cause of ovarian cancer for consumers.

This is not the first time that J&J has faced harsh criticism for what it is using in its products. In May 2009, an activist group called Campaign for Safe Cosmetics pressured J&J into eliminating probable carcinogens forms its baby and adult care products. After 3 years of negative publicity and petitioning, J&J agreed to eliminate a couple of carcinogenic ingredients from its products.

Is Talcum not safe for me?

Talcum powder has been and is used by women in the US for hygiene and personal care. Talcum powder absorbs moisture really well and therefore it is usually applied to areas like underarms and genitals to manage hygiene and odor. There is a high possibility of it traveling up to the ovaries via a woman’s genital tract. In fact, in one of the first studies conducted on women with ovarian cancer, researchers found tiny particles of talcum in the tissue samples (taken from patients). This definitely raises lots of questions about the relationship between talcum and ovarian cancer. Various studies have been conducted to study this relationship and although a causal relationship has not been established, there is an indication of a strong positive association between talcum powder and ovarian cancer. The American Association for Cancer Research published a study that showed how certain gene types could be more prone to cancerous growth of cells in the ovaries when exposed to talcum powder. Furthermore, the American Cancer Society has acknowledged a possible link between asbestos-free talcum powder and ovarian cancer by saying that many studies have suggested an increased risk of ovarian cancer in women using talcum powder (extensively).

Whether it is talcum powder produced by J&J or another brand of talcum powder, if you think your health or a loved one’s health has been compromised by its use, you should contact a personal injury lawyer in Dallas to review your case and to educate you about what your legal options are. Rad Law Firm has a dedicated team of personal injury attorneys with years of experience in personal injury cases relating to product liability.  Our attorneys have represented people on a wide range of product liability cases and have what it takes to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. In many product liability cases, proving that there was a failure to warn or failure to guard against known dangers is imperative to whether or not a case will be won. This is why you need a lawyer from Rad Law Firm who understands product liability cases and laws in Texas. Contact us today for an in-depth consultation.

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